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Showing posts from 2017

Satellite Assembly in C#

Satellite Assemblies Resource files in Dot Net Resource files are typically used to store any resources in your Dot Net application. Resource file allows you to store images, icons, audio, files, strings and other types of resources. Of cause it is not mandatory to keep them inside a resource file. But when it comes to localization it is recommended to work with the resource file. localization Which means based on the user's language and culture change the application and the resources. How to archive localization with resources? Seems to be an impossible task. But to make the impossible possible, Dot Net provides you a special assembly called "Satellite Assembly" Satellite assemblies are assemblies that containing resources specific to a given language and culture. Using satellite assemblies, you can place the resources for different languages in different assemblies, and the correct assembly is loaded into memory only if the user selects to view the ...

Dynamic Assembly in C#

Static Assembly Vs Dynamic Assembly Static Assemblies are those assemblies which are stored on the disk permanently as a file or set of files. Since these assemblies are stored in the disk, those are only loaded when CLR requests.  These are the assemblies we are dealing with daily. Assemblies that I'm going to talk about today bit different. It completely opposite of the Static Assemblies. Those Assemblies are not stored on the disk before execution. When an application requires any type, which references from these assemblies, DOT NET will create these Assemblies at the runtime so that it will directly load into the memory. Why is it important ? Like I mentioned, this is not something we do very often. It is not all about how important it is. Personally, I think it is better to know this kind of hidden language features. More you play with this more you learn. I found cool stuff I can do with this. Hope it will be same for you as well. This is an old feature. How ...

Getting started with AutoMapper

DTO DTO stands for Data Transfer Object. DTOs are there for transfer data between the different application or different layers within a single application. You can look at them as dump bags of information. The purpose of existence is just getting that information to a recipient. So that recipient doesn't get anything other than they expect. The major problem that I had with this DTO is mapping one object to another. Every place where I need to transfer my data using DTO, either I have to use parameterized constructor or new object initialize to inject the information (data) into it. Recently I found this library called AutoMapper  which made my code awesome. AutoMapper is a simple little library built to solve a deceptively complex problem "getting rid of code that mapped one object to another" . AutoMapper It all started with Source Object and Destination Object to work with (well, that's obvious!). This works best as long as the names of the source ty...

Renaming SQL Server Database

Very recently I was working on a data archival module. Project was almost 10+ years old and it kept very sensitive, huge data set. While testing this, accidentally I have deleted some required records from a shared development database which is not awesome at all. Only option that I had was restoring backup files. But developers who worked with me requested to keep the damage database, since they were not sync schema with the source controller. Only possibility that came to my mind was rename the damaged database and restore backup database with the original name. As all ways I googled it "how to rename a SQL server database", many articles were listed down in my search result but couldn't find a good all in one article. therefore thought of sharing what I learned. Understanding what we are going to do with the rename is important.Mainly this process can divided into three parts, Rename Database Rename Mappings Rename Files Following the order of above thre...